Being in your teens must be the most vague period in anybody's life, thought the hardest lessons are sharply learnt only through this transitional age.
Life is not a bed of roses, yes, but before the thorns come the pain!
Such is true about adolescence.
I've often had people telling me that being a kid was everything everyone wished for. People have also reminded me that I was almost an adult. Most of the times, they call me responsible for things that I have no voice over. I'm not blaming them. They call us adults and treat us as children barely out of their cradles.
Adolescence is not easy, mind you. I hate being indecisive. I hate being what they call a blooming flower. I hate my age because of the dangers that are deeply woven into every little seam here and there. I find myself more unruly, unelegant and nosy in situations that are being hurled at me right now. Taking everything lightly is a skill that is often ignored these days, and I'm no saint. Nor are the young adults around me.
I'm confused about what I am, though I'm clear that this is not a happy age, please, everyone. Don't call us carefree kids. We understand the money problems around the world, analyze political issues with lesser fear, move with ease around difficult problems because we have hope and not because we are ignorant about the position we are in.
We can see as good as any referee or a critic.
We can hear as well as any detective.
We can understand as well as any judge.
Only we can't speak as free as people older than us.
i wonder how u can get the exact words and be right always!!! totally amazed!
the whole reason its care free is because we still have that hope, can analyze difficult situations with lesser fear and yet its ok if we don't analyze them at all. Its just the age when you can be an adult whenever you want and a child whenever you want..
and whatever it is, well, according the me its the best age =)
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